Why Google Search Not Showing Apps

It’s hard to find Google Apps on Google Search! Google Search not showing apps is a common problem that many people are facing. It can be difficult to find out what apps are installed on Google Play, or even which ones you have downloaded at all. This article will provide an answer to this question and hopefully help resolve the issue.

Why is Google Search Not Showing Apps

Google Search Not Showing Apps
Google Search is Google’s primary search engine, and while it does a good job for many users, there are cases where Google Search fails to find things you know exist. The most common case we see with our Google Apps customers is that when they type in “google apps search” or something similar into Google Search using their browser, Google returns results from Google Web Search, Google Product Search and Google Play. Google is not showing Google Apps in the search results despite Google Apps being a primary query target for Google web search!

So, Google Search is not showing Google Apps, but what if the Google App on your phone or tablet isn’t listed either? One of our blog readers recently asked us this question. The Google search on their Android device was only returning results from Google Play and Google Web Search (but not Google Product Search). They could find apps that were installed by typing Google.com into their browser and clicking on Google Apps, but that’s not very intuitive for most users!

Why Google Search Not Showing Apps? Google has some pretty strict rules about showing apps in search results – Google Web Search is limited to webpages while Google Product Search can only show products (apps must be downloaded from the Play store). Google Apps are not considered Google products, so Google doesn’t allow Google Apps to be shown by Google Search.

How do I search Google Apps for Search

Google Apps can be searched by Google Web Search. Google does not provide an API for Google Play, so the only way to search Google apps is through web searches.

You can also use Google Product Search (formerly known as Froogle), although it’s important to note that Google will show products on Google Product Search if they are available in both Google Play and Google Apps. So even though Google Product Search will show Google apps, you are not guaranteed to find them!

Why Google Search Not Showing Apps? Note that Google does provide an API for searching within the Play Store itself, but this is only available if your app supports Android Mobile Ads (which cost money).

How do I see what apps are installed on Google Play

If you have a Google account, Google will show your Google Apps in the search results. This is true for both web searches and Android device searches! So if you want to find out what Google Apps are installed on your phone or tablet, simply type Google.com into the browser of that device (o Googler.com or Google.ca) and click Google Apps in the search results!

If you don’t have a Google account, Google will only show webpages for Google Web Search (not Google Product Search). Unfortunately there is no way to see what apps are installed on your Android device without having access to your Google account – unless you can find Google Apps in Google Play, as mentioned above.

Why Google Search Not Showing Apps? Note that Google does provide an API for searching within the Play Store itself, but this is only available if your app supports Android Mobile Ads (which cost money).

Hope you found our article helpful! Have more questions about Google App search? We are happy to answer them. Google Apps can be found by Google web search as well as Google Product Search, but Google Play is the only way to find apps on Android devices without having a Google account!

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