How do Movie Theaters Work?

“How do movie theaters work?” is a quite common question for people. To run smoothly, the cinema must follow a process from when the movie is made to the public, including copyright, screening, service, and revenue issues.

All of the above will be discussed shortly and be the answer to the question “how do modern movie theaters work?”.
how do movie theaters work

Process of buying film copyright

Normally, to get the rights to show movies for a certain period, the movie theater and the studios have had to work together for a long time, since the movie was just an idea that had not been realized.

Once production is complete, the movies are all sent to theaters as digital files. There are two main ways to bring movies from the producer to the theater:
  • save the movie to a hard drive
  • download the movie from a media satellite using a high-speed internet connection.

Both methods above carry layers of encryption and tight security to prevent piracy and excessive transmission.

Film Projecting Process

So, how do movie theaters play movies? Projection system has 2 forms of projection. The first form of projection is the computer, but nowadays, advanced technology makes modern theaters seldom use this form but use a more modern form, which is to use a dedicated memory system or flash drive.

It turns digital data into a high-resolution stream of light up to 4k or 8k, from a lens projected onto a screen. To do so, projectors allow millions of silicon microscopes representing millions of pixels to create an image with ultimate depth and sharpness.

First, the light shines the light and the light immediately splits into the colors of the spectrum. It is then projected directly into the right mirror.

The front lens plays the role of combining these separate beams of light, forming a unified image and projecting it onto the big screen.

Today, science has developed Imax technology, with a film resolution of up to 18K, bringing a good experience to the viewer. That is the answer to “ how do movie theaters play digital movies?”.

Movie premiere time

Theaters experts will analyze and predict the impact of the film and make an agreement on the time to open the film. Usually, the time a movie takes from the time it hits theaters to the end of the show is about 3 to 4 weeks, or longer depending on the signed contract.

Service issues

To bring a better experience for viewers as well as bring more revenue to the theater, they provide more food and beverage services, and entertainment services right at the theater. This is both profitable from the service, but also from promoting the brands that provide the service.

Movie revenue

The theater cannot buy off the movie from the producer, but only rent it for a certain period, usually from 3 to 4 weeks.

Therefore, theater sales are also calculated as the percentage of tickets sold. Usually, it is between 10% and 50% of the number of tickets sold.

Through learning about copyrights, movie showing, revenue, and accompanying services, you must have a better understanding of how movie theaters play digital movies. The question “how do modern movie theaters work?” now has an answer.

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